Saturday, February 22, 2014

Finger Followup

Two days after a visit to my primary care doctor, and my finger is much better.  Psychological?  Perhaps. But he told me to stop wearing the splint and use the darn thing, that it would loosen up and the swelling would go down if it is moved around.  Seems to be working.

It's still tender.  The doc said it's likely to be that way for a few more weeks. The break was at the first joint, and there may be blood inside that needs to move out of the way for healing to occur.  I'm also to expect that the joint will be arthritic in the future. Great!

I was referred to a hand specialist, ironically one that I'd called previously and who would not see me because the injury involved a vehicle.  Apparently, a referral is like a secret handshake in the world of health care.  My doc suggested I make an appointment but if I don't want to keep it, don't, unless I feel it would be helpful.  He didn't seem to think the finger would need additional work, just time.

So, I'm using the finger now to type, and the typos have virtually disappeared.  I'm hopeful the road to recovery will now be smooth.  Stay tuned.

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